First Day of School!

We are excited to welcome students back on campus tomorrow, August 2, 2021 for a Legendary school year!

If you did not come to Welcome Week, please go to the front office when it opens tomorrow 7:30 am.

Teachers shared their recommended class supply lists at Thursday’s Meet the Teacher/Open House and will go over them in each class tomorrow.

In accordance with CDC guidance, we recommend students wear face masks. In accordance with AZ law, we will not require face masks.

We can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow!


Dr. Williamson

Summer Letter

(A letter with this information was mailed home to registered families on July 9th, 2021.)

Dear North Pointe Family,

I hope you have been able to take time to enjoy your summer! Thank you for your patience over the past year as we navigated the pandemic together. 

For the upcoming year, it is our full intent to return to providing the best of North Pointe’s pre-COVID culture. Our athletics, arts, and activities are all slated to return full-force, and we will continue to support our students in every way we can. 

Student Check-In: Wednesday, July 28th from 7:00 am – 1:00 pm and from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

New Student Orientation: Thursday, July 29th, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm (orientation lasts an hour)

Open House/Meet the Teacher: Thursday, July 29th 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

2021-2022 Student Handbook (Will be posted 7/13/2021 at – under Quick Links). Please review the new handbook so you can sign the Handbook Signature Form (which was mailed home).

2021-2022 School Calendar (mailed home and online at – under Quick Links)

Class Competition Weeks

            Old School Games: September 27th – October 1st

            Reality Showcase: November 15th – 19th

             Xtreme Intramurals: February 14th – 18th      

             Rock Lobster: April 25th – 29th

We are so excited to have everyone back on campus so we can do what North Pointe does best; create and sustain environments where people are valued, trusted, and encouraged to take risks and achieve their dreams in the 4As. 

The administrative team, faculty, and staff have been working hard to prepare for a legendary year! We can’t wait to see you!


Dr. Williamson

Final Exam Week

7th through 11th Grades Semester 2 FinalsTuesday, 5/18/21, and Wednesday, 5/19/21. 
On-campus students are required to be on-campus for final exams on both days (no asynchronous Wednesday on 5/19/21). Online students will take finals online. 
Students may not “switch” from on-campus to online or vice versa for final exams without prior administrative approval. Students who do not take final exams as scheduled will receive a zero unless they receive prior approval from Dr. Williamson. 
Each of these days, we will follow the special half-day schedule articulated below:

Tuesday, 5/18/21 
Period 1: 8:10-9:20am
Period 2: 9:30-10:40am
Period 3: 10:50am-12:00pm

Wednesday, 5/19/21
Period 4/5: 8:10-9:20am
Period 6: 9:30-10:40am
Period 7: 10:50am-12:00pm

For 12th Grade ONLYMonday 5/17/21
Seniors will take all of their Semester 2 Finals asynchronously online (at home) on Monday 5/17/21. All exams will open at 8am via students’ Google Classroom pages. Any exam not completed by 2:30pm will be scored as a zero. Please contact Mr. G. ( if you do not have stable internet and need to take your finals on-campus. 

Spring Spirit Week

As you’ve seen on the slides, we’re doing a NP Spirit Week! 

To clarify: This Spirit Week is just about dressing-up. COVID sucks and we are not doing our usual Rock Lobster – Sadly, no swimming pools or sand volleyball will be involved this year.

Monday, May 3rd

  • Rock Lobster (Tourist/Beach) 

Tuesday, May 4th

  • Sci-fi (May the 4th)

Wednesday, May 5th

  • Falcon Fan (NP gear/Purple & Black)

Thursday, May 6th

  • Tunes & Teams (Bands & Sports)

Friday, May 7th

  • Disney

Yes, costumes need to be school-appropriate. That means costumes need to be safe, cover all the important body parts, and not include weapons or other items that are not legally available to minors.

Yes, students may wear a full mask that covers their face as part of the costume – but students have to remove the full masks during class, or whenever asked to remove it by a faculty/staff member (and have a face-mask to wear instead).

Email Dr. Williamson if you have questions!

2nd Quarter Wednesdays

To accommodate the hybrid schedule with half of the students on-campus and half of them online, we are changing up what happens on Wednesdays.

During 2nd quarter, the campus will be closed to students on Wednesdays and all student will do asynchronous online learning. That means work and assignments for the day will be posted in each teacher’s Google Classroom and students will not be required to log into Zoom each class period.  

Attendance on Wednesdays will be taken via a Student Check-In Form, which will be emailed to students each Wednesday morning.

Teachers’ Wednesday office hours will be posted in their Google Classrooms. 

Emails sent home today

This afternoon, we sent confirmation emails to the email parents provided when they filled out the Second Quarter Sign-Up Form. The email came from and confirmed whether the student will be returning to campus 2nd quarter or continuing online. If you did not receive the email this afternoon, please check your spam folder. If you still don’t see it, please reach out to Nancy Mendoza ( or call the school.

Class/Bell Schedule

Monday – Thursday Bell Schedule

Period 1 8:00 – 8:55

Period 2 9:00 – 9:55

Period 3 10:00 – 10:55

Period 4 (JH) 11:00 – 11:55

HS Lunch 11:00 – 11:30

Period 5 (HS) 11:35 – 12:30

JH Lunch 12:00 – 12:30

Period 6 12:35 – 1:30

Period 7 1:35 – 2:30

Tutoring 2:35 – 3:25

Friday (and half day) Bell Schedule

Period 1 8:00-8:38 am

Period 2 8:43-9:18 am

Period 3 9:23-9:58 am

Period 4/5 10:05-10:40 am

Period 6 10:45-11:20 am

Period 7 11:25-12:00 pm

August 11, 2020 COVID-19 FAQs

Are you starting on-campus classes on August 17th like you planned?



According to the Department of Health Services dashboard, Maricopa County has not met the three (3) benchmarks for two (2) weeks in a row for schools to be able to safely provide on-campus, teacher-directed instruction (

So, when will Pointe start on-campus classes?

To provide our families and teachers with stability, our Board has made the difficult decision for all classes to remain online through the first quarter (through October 2nd). The Board will reconvene on September 17th to consider an on-campus start date for the second quarter.

Didn’t the governor order schools to start on August 17th?

No. Beginning August 17th, the governor has ordered all district and charter schools to provide on-site distance learning services during regular school hours for enrolled students who have nowhere else to go or have other specific needs (e.g. no internet service). This is not teacher-directed, in-person instruction, which is not currently allowed under the benchmarks.

What is the difference between in-person, teacher-directed instruction and on-site distance learning services?

The on-site distance learning program is a safe area for students to do their online learning. It provides general supervision, not in-person teaching/tutoring.

If it is safe enough for students to be on campus, why can’t they be in their classrooms with their teacher?

We are required to offer on-site distance learning services beginning August 17th in order to receive the Education Stability Grant. We had planned to offer those services by providing teacher-directed instruction. However, the state is making a distinction between students being on-campus (required if the parent requests it) and students being in front of the teacher (not currently allowed under the benchmarks).

What? That doesn’t make sense!

We agree.

Can you please describe the On-site Distance Learning Program?

Students must come in dress-code, wear a face mask, and will be symptom and temperature checked before entry. Before a student is admitted to the Nest each day, the school will also make sure the student has their required items, including: their own charged device (either the school-provided Chromebook or their own device), a headset, 2 facemasks, lunch, water bottle, and any needed school supplies. We are still determining if students must be signed-in to the program each day by someone from their Emergency Contact Form. Students will not be admitted after 8:05 am and must be signed out of the front office if they leave before the end of the school day.

Students will spend the day in the Nest, seated 6 ft away from others and wearing a face mask, and will log-into their classes and do their work according to their class schedule, just as they would at home. Students will be monitored by a Pointe employee. Classroom teachers will continue to teach their classes online, from their own classrooms. Students will not be allowed into the main campus or into the teachers’ classrooms.

Lunch: Students must provide their own lunch and their own water bottles (drinking fountains will not be accessible).

This program is not “childcare” and it is not “regular school.” Rather, it is a safe place where students can independently complete their work with access to the internet.  Teachers will continue to be available via Zoom and will not be in the Nest.  Students should not use this program just so they can be with their friends – it is for families who need the service.

How do I register my student for the On-Site Distance Learning Program? 

We will email all families the link to the Registration form tomorrow (8/12). Families need to register by August 13th (by noon) for the week of 8/17, and by August 17th (by noon) for the remainder of the first quarter.


FAQs (Current Top 10)

When will the schedules be available and will they be emailed?

Schedules will be available on FamilyLink on Wednesday, July 29th by 9:00 am.

How do we update our contact forms like we usually do at Welcome Week? 

On FamilyLink, you will be able to see what contact information we have on file. Please email changes to The annual forms will also be available on FamilyLink (on Wednesday, July 29th by 9:00 am).

Is it possible to send forms and emails to the students as well as the parents?

Beginning next week, we will be sending important information to both parents and students (through their school email). Grade-level announcements will also be made through grade level Google Classrooms (7th grade, 12th grade, etc).

How are online classes going to be structured? Will there be certain hours they need to be on?

North Pointe’s online learning has been designed to as closely mirror the regular school day as possible, so students can easily transition between online and on-campus, and to minimize the need to hire additional teachers. Student will follow their regular schedule and teachers will take attendance each period through Zoom or Google Meets (teachers have a choice of which platform they use).

If they do online learning for the 1st quarter will they be able to participate in sports and or after school programs if they still want to? 


Will we be able to choose online learning until we deem it safe for our children to return to on-campus learning?

Yes. We will be providing online classes for the entire 2020-2021 school year.

If we choose to do online later on, can we? 


If my child does online classes and I’m not able to help, will he be able to get ahold of the teacher for any questions he has?? I am not ready for him to go back to school but am worried he might fall behind.

Online students will still follow their regular schedule, so they will have daily access to their teachers.  Teachers will also be available for tutoring from 2:35 – 3:25 Monday – Thursday. Parents will not be “homeschooling” North Pointe students who do online classes.

What resources are available for kids who are struggling with learning online if they need help?

Online students will “attend class” via Zoom or Google Meets, so they have the same access to teachers that they have when they are on-campus. In addition, students can e-mail their teachers directly and attend after-school tutoring sessions via Zoom.

When you start on-campus again, are you requiring kids to wear masks? I’m a parent who does not believe in masks.

Phoenix and Maricopa County both require anyone over the age of 6 to wear masks in public. Therefore, students on campus are required to wear masks.